Recruiting Ph.D. Students


August 11, 2023

I am recruiting Ph.D. students to join our research group in Fall 2024. If you are interested in understanding the psychology of intergroup relations, social injustice, and social change, please apply to the UCSB Social Psychology Ph.D. program by December 1, 2023.

If you join, you will get to work on questions such as: How do social relationships with members of our own and other groups affect awareness of, and opposition to, social injustice? Why do members of advantaged majority groups sometimes exaggerate the extent of their social relationships with disadvantaged minority groups—and how can we more accurately measure cross-group friendship? Why do we sometimes consider the same controversial protest actions to be more (or less) acceptable depending on who the protesters are and what they are protesting?

I have put together some information in a letter to potential applications.

You can find out more about who we are, what we work on, and what we are up to on this website.

Good luck with your applications!